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The co:compass Innovation Camp

Autorenbild: Benjamin ZwackBenjamin Zwack

Disruptive changes require innovative thinking and action. We are feeling this very clearly right now as destinations and tourism companies have to reposition themselves and need new business models and marketing strategies.


However, there is often a lack of time in for new thoughts and concepts. Innovations rarely come about at a desk and even less through pure thinking. In our innovation camps we offer time, space and methods for developing innovations, supplemented by moderated creativity workshops and impulses to stimulate innovation.


It is important to us to also convey how a culture of innovation can be permanently established in an organization. Because innovation in the true sense means creating framework conditions for a continuous improvement process that enables constant optimization of organizational structures, offers, marketing activities, sustainable development, etc.


Innovation camps can include various modules, such as:


• develop new products using the morphological box,

• invent guerrilla marketing campaigns through brainstorming,

• develop development strategies with the mountain path,

• build new business areas using the Walt Disney method,

• develop new organizational structures using scenario technology.


Our knowledge of methods is extensive, but the motto always applies: the methodology follows the goal!


You tell us your needs and we will set up the Innovation Camp so that you can develop truly innovative solutions. Promised!


Would you like to find out more about the co:compassinnovation camps and how they can ensure a structured dialogue regarding tourism strategy and development in your destination? Contact us:


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